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An Intoxicating Journey into the Montreal Underworld . . .
Trailer filmed by acclaimed cinematographer Frazer Bradshaw, original soundtrack by Peter Busboom. Features actors Benny Duskin, Anastasia Blackwell, Morla Gorrondona, Benny Duskin and Tosh Yanez.

Now Available

The House on Black Lake is an intoxicating ride into the underworld of Montreal society, where the power elite cavort with mystics, gypsies, and soothsayers, and create their own rules. The Gothic Thriller chronicles a troubled woman's journey to vacation with her son in an enclave of summer homes, where she is drawn into a seductive web of dark secrets and deadly intentions.

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The Only Hope of Redemption Lies In the Unknown . . .

Photographs by David Wilson feature Benny, Tosh Yanez, Anastasia Blackwell, Wade Russell, and Morla Gorrondona at Chateau Tivoli B & B and Stern Grove, San Francisco.


Latest NewsNews from The House on Black Lake

Posted in: Media, Press
February 12, 20231 year ago

Anastasia Blackwell Announces New Sequel Screenplay "The Sisterhood of Black Roses"

A sequel to "The Chamber of Curiosities" is in the works by Anastasia Blackwell. Part two of the Drykonian saga features "The Sisterhood of Black Roses", a band of women dedicated to revenge following the Tressarian revolution. Plans are to film the historical fantasy in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Posted in:
February 6, 20232 years ago

Anastasia Blackwell Featured Actress in Santa Fe International Shakespeare Center

Blackwell played the part of Black Will in the Santa Fe International Shakespeare Center's Production of Arden of Faversham. The rarely produced play had Ms. Blackwell play the non-traditional casting part of Black Will, a rogue petty thief.

Posted in:
December 22, 20222 years ago

Anastasia Blackwell Co-Stars in Award-Winning Thriller at IFS Los Angeles Film Festival

Anastasia Blackwell, author of novel/screenplays, "The House on Black Lake" and "The Chamber of Curiosities" co-stars in award-winning new film. "Miriam Graves", produced by Cinefina, was awarded "Best Thriller" by the IFS Los Angeles Film Festival, and was nominated from hundreds of submissions for "Best Picture".

Posted in: Media, Press
October 22, 20222 years ago

Anastasia Blackwell Announces New LA/Santa Fe Based Production Plans

Beautiful Renegade Productions (B.Renegade productions) has expanded from LA, and forged an allegiance with film and television creatives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Plans are to begin filming projects in late 2023. Plans are for Creative Revolution Productions and Wild Wild Media to merge under the umbrella of B. Renegade.
