Gothic Tale,'The Chamber of Curiosities' New Podcast
The Chamber of Curiosities, a medieval fantasy, by Anastasia Blackwell is now available on all major podcast servers. The audio is narrated by the author and will be available in ten segments of a series.
The Chamber of Curiosities Podcast

‘The night of the blue moon’ is a rare event. The townspeople and visitors to Tressaria throng to the carnival, staged in an ancient fortress overlooking a vibrant seaport. But, not everyone is free to join the revelry. Darné Veskka, stands at the bars of a cage consumed by loneliness. In the late hours aerialist, Clare Dupree, breaks inside - armed with a razor and obsession. Her quest is to shave off his beard to see his face. The giant who has never felt a woman’s touch, threatens her - but ultimately succumbs. And, their pact marks the dawn of a new age in Tressaria, and plants the seed of revolution.
The dark fantasy is set in the fictional seaport, where ‘Coin is King’ and citizens pawns to whims of their debauched rulers. Mr. Beedro’s Carnival is a lucrative business, with games, flying shows, equestrian acts, feasts, flesh and alcohol for sale. The Freak Show lies at its heart and is a pleasant distraction for citizens, sailors, and visiting traders to gloat over those less unfortunate. It is here the giant of a man, Darné Veskka, billed as The Human Beast, lives in a cage with other ‘mistakes of nature’.
The Chamber of Curiosities Podcast
Hope you enjoy listening to The Chamber of Curiosities, and please share, review, subscribe, and reach out to Anastasia Blackwell on social sites.