What Women REALLY want!
I have compiled a list from the Romance Community at Amazon.com to learn what women REALLY want - to read about. This does not necessary mean they really want the experience, but they either want to know or fantasize about it. Or, perhaps they actually desire the opportunity to experience it - at least once in their lives.
Asterisks are placed next to topics touched upon in “The House on Black Lake”.
You may want to add your own, cut and paste, and forward list to female/and or male friends. After all, we must let our men know what we desire from our partners.
The list is in no particular order, latest topic first.
l. A broken heart. The greatest reading choice for this seems to be "Stormfire.*
2. Man uses woman for revenge, kidnapped, seduced, etc. "Stormfire again, this must be a great read.*
3. Good sex scenes, either explicit or implicit.*
4. Heroine nearly dies, hero is terrified, realizes how much he loves her. Even better, is when hero is directly, or indirectly responsible for putting heroine in jeopardy...*
5. Second chance ex-spouses.
6. Cheating hero.* This one is very popular. But, some want him to realize he loves his wife and family and wants them back.
7. Less than perfect heroes – scarred or disabled.
8. Rugged cowboy-types.*
9. Hero helps deliver his baby.
10. Heroine saves or rescues hero from harm.
11. Bad Boys.*
12. Pent up sexual frustration – repression.*
13. Great grovel scenes – where rugged hero breaks down.*
14. H disappears and reappears years later.
15. Steamy AND emotional scenes between lovers.”
16. Romance – candlelit dinners, walks in the park. Etc.*
17. Obsessed or deeply in lust.*
18. Villain in love with heroine.*
19. Dominant, alpha males.*
20. Romance and thriller.*
21. Widowed hero grieving over first wife.
22. Vampire and paranormal love.
23. Vikings!.
24. Smutty historical romance.
25. H/H in historical garb.
26. Men with long (preferably dark) flowing hair*.
27. Alpha female who isn’t borderline abusive*
28. Hero bribes heroine to be with him.
29. Heroine playing hard to get.*
30. Drunken sex.*
31. Bad boy falls for nice girl.*
32 Virginal or repressed heroine who falls apart at the touch of the RIGHT man.*
33. Forced mate scenario in paranormal.
34. Jealous bad boy.*
35. Ménage romance.*
37. Two men competing for woman.*
38. Forced sex where h/h have strong connection.*
39. Sheik books and big hunky H’s and the feisty heroine.
40. Bad boy who bosses H around until they fall in love.*
41. Spanking/forced sex scenes.*
42. Love triangles.*
43. Bisexual love.*
44. Older women/younger men.*
45. Rugged/outdoorsy men.*
46. Heroine enjoys sex.*
47. Haunted places/ghosts.*
48. Tattoos, piercings, etc.*
49. Beauty and the beast themes.
50. Time travel – men in kilts, on island or anywhere ancient.
Well, that’s a beginning. This list says a lot about what women really want. Include your own. Think deeply and learn a little more about yourself.
When Alexandra Brighton enters Black Lake she only knows what she has been taught by contemporary society. The lessons she learns in the underground teach her about her deeper desires and instincts. Some of the topics are a bit disturbing, but I think we all just want to reconnect with our baser animal instincts and enjoy the powerful union between the sexes. Playfulness is the key!