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Tag: paranormal activity


Haunted Island Video

Musician Collaborator Peter Busboom set out with camera in hand to find outdoor areas of San Francisco that had haunted feeling. He succeeded in finding paranormal energy in two areas - the shore near Golden Gate Bridge on Marin side, and Muir Woods. He added sound effects to visuals and I provided voice over, with actual  words from novel and some improv. The result is a a very provocative piece, with depth, and a mournful feeling that souls were indeed trapped in these areas.

Both areas were inhabited by Native Americans and early settlers. Clearly there are stories in the filmy air, nearly visible, palpable. And, I see 8's showing up - or is it just my imagination?

Check it out for yourself.


Bad Romance - A Revolution

Fairy tales and romantic comedies have led us down a path to seek beautiful romance. But, society tells us this may not be at all what we crave. Lady GaGa's new song is breaking records, as is Twilight. True Blood, Spartacus, Mad Men, and the list goes on. They all show bad romance at its very best. All seek something, but none really finds it.  Because it cannot be had without an interference. There is always the dark side ready to swallow us up - man and woman.

"The House on Black Lake" explores this theme through many different angles and individuals.  At book's end it is still not clear where the answer lies, but there is hope of something different and far more exhilarating. There is something about "Bad Romance" that lures us all and can be explosive if we learn how to harness it. The romantic candlelit table places too much expectation of perfection and beauty without the thorn that gives it its special allure.

Bad Romance - a revolution unfolds!

Bad Romance



The Victorian house on the island in "The House on Black Lake" shows evidence of paranormal activity. On her first night on the island Alexandra hears footsteps in hallway, sees mussed bedding as though a person was sitting at edge of bed looking out door, a light bulb explodes above her, and a hungry feline appears at the window. She later learns the history of the house and the island itself. Lost souls have lived in the house, and the island is not a land for the living.

My own experience in a house similar to the one described in the book was similar. Pictures taken at the house show a filmy substance in the windows and anyone who sees pics (taken on a happy summer day) look ominous. There was a very heavy energy throughout, especially in a winding stairway leading up to the bedrooms. I later learned the history of the house and the island and, indeed, there was both tragedy and debauchery in the house, and very mysterious circumstances.

We live in a modern society, often in buildings that have been lived in for only a generation or two, and our sick and injured are transported to hospitals for their final stay. But, for those residence where life has been depleted inside and the land is desecrated, then paranormal activity may be inevitable. We cannot see waves of energy that send our voices or image to other lands. Perhaps there is more to be learned about paranormal activity.



Plans are in the works for a book launching party - tentative date is May 7th and are in discussion with a great gallery/lounge in San Francisco. More details are to come, but it is certain we will have live band A/V great food and drinks. Also, contemporary gothic jewelry and accessories will be available to purchase. The theme is dark romance and all are encouraged to come dressed in the style and with the attitude. Get ready to celebrate!!!