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Archive for October 2010

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Music Video "Dangerous Games" to Feature Flying and Static Trapeze

A new music video titled "Dangerous Games" with music composed by Peter Busboom is now in preproduction. It will feature trapeze artists recreating scene from book where Alexandra finds drawn into the allure of the magic glen, where her union with Ramey Sandeley evolves into a ruthless power struggle. 


Scene From Magic Glen


Trapeze Artists to Recreate Scene From "The House on Black Lake" in Music Video

A music video featuring renowned trapeze artists recreating scene from novel on author Sam Keane's Sky Ranch in Sonoma is currently in pre production. Details to follow shortly.


"The House on Black Lake" Now Available on Kindle and Nook

The House on Black Lake is now available on Kindle and Nook and will soon also be available on all e-readers. Nothing can replace the feel of a book in one's hands - especially when reading in bed. But, there is no doubt it is much more convenient when traveling, and there is the matter of instant gratification, and less cost.

As an author it is most important to get your story into the hearts and minds of readers, so I am pleased that these kinds of options exist.


The Mistress of the Perfect White Blouse - Anne Fontaine - Photographs from "The House on Black Lake" Trailer


Novel/screenplay The House on Black Lake features the sexy, French look, with a touch of gothic, gypsy.

The clothing worn for seduction scene in "The House on Black Lake" Trailer were designs from Anne Fontaine, a French Canadian designer with boutiques in majors cities of U.S., as well as international appeal. The white ruffled blouse in photographs is a signature look, as well as the cinched patent belt, black pencil skirt, and fitted blazer with lacing at back.

White ruffled Anne Fonteyne louse with patent leather belt.

Anne Fonteyne White Ruffled Blouse, Patent Cinch Belt, Pencis Skirt.

Photograph of Anne Fonteyne Ensemble from "House on Black Lake" Trailer


What's Love Got To Do With It?

Is love merely a chemical released when our body senses a desirable reproduction partner, or is there something more divine in the rush of endorphins? That questions in one of the principle themes of my novel.

Reproduction science tells us that within seconds we are measuring every aspect of another being to determine suitability. Overall health, i.e. clear skin, white teeth, shiny hair, clear eyes, etc. are all assessed in the blink of an eye. We also measure physical features, timber of voice, a vast array of clues to whether their DNA is a good match. Smell also comes into play, and with physical touch more information is released. The old saying "it's all in the kiss" is actually true. The saliva carries DNA that tells us the entire physical history of the specimen. We seek mates that will give our offspring the best chance of survival. The rush of love tells us that we have found a good match. Testosterone is released in the saliva of the male and arouses female to complete  act. Love lasts for a good three months, so that at least three tries are given to the quest. The feeling may persist if the act is not successful. If g succeeds, then feelings  transcend to  "love" that is actually routed in the protection of our prized reproduced DNA. This is the belief of science.

Those of a spiritual nature believe that the purpose of love is not to replicate, but to create. Two humans who find love have a far greater capacity to create than they would alone. The goal of most is to find a soul mate, one with whom  common goals and desires are shared.  This may mean the act of reproduction, but in most it means far more. For those who have finished reproducing,  have no desire to raise young, or for those who are drawn to the same sex, the drive for love is just as great, and when a suitable partner is found, the love does not nessasarilydisipate because there is no drive to replicate DNA.

The elusiveness of love remains the subject of scientists and poets. Its beauty and pain are universal. What's love got to do with it? Everything - for without it we are doomed, one way or another.


Trapeze Artists Slated To Recreate Scene From Novel In Music Video

Noted trapeze artists Tanya Henkle-Hoover and Marek Kaszuba will perform a romantic reenactment of mystical love scene in "The House on Black Lake".  Original music will be composed and performed to accomany the performers, to be filmed on private ranch in Sonoma.

Details are still the the works. Check back for update.


Anastasia Blackwell Reads "The House on Black Lake" on Blogtalkradio

I am hosting a radio program on blogtalkradio in which I will be offering an oral interpretation of  entire novel "The House on Black Lake" in a series of episodes. Following completetion of reading, I plan to discuss creation of story, journey to publication and adaptation of screenplay. The radio shows are live, but are archived, and can be listened to at any time.

For more information about my radio show, go to