Tags: 12th plant, absinthe, adult vacations in Canada, adventure travel, Alexandra Brighton, American over class, Anastasia Blackwell, ancient astronauts, ancient Egypt, ancient mysteries and secrets, ancient prophecies, ancient rituals, ancient secrets, ancient wisdom, angels, animals in cages, annunaki, apocalypse, Arabian horses, arc of the covenant, Armageddon, art galleries in Montreal, art galleries in old town Montreal, Atlantis, Attorneys, autism, Babylon, BDSM, BDSM dating sites, BDSM in Canada, BDSM scenes, BDSM scenes in books, best of the best in San Francisco, black holes, black lake, black magic, blood red moon, bondage, book clubs, Book of Revelation, book of revelations, book of the month club, books for single women, books on divorce, books on divorce and women, books on enlightenment, books on getting a divorce, books on life after love, books on relationships, books on self development, books on self transformation, books on soul mates, books with BDSM, boutiques in 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and warlocks in Montreal, women’s novels